Happy Father's Day to My Tim

...to MY Tim...said because my own Pop is Tim too!  Who would've thought that you would be the proud Papa of 7 beautiful children?  You weren't even going to be married until you were like 30 something!  But now, I know you can't imagine life without these amazing blessings. 

You're such a great dad.  I love how you've evolved in this extra special vocation.  For you, it's not about the title, but more about the privelege.  You are a hands-on dad, and our children are lucky to have you!  Our boys are going to be outstanding fathers, and our girls will have their work cut out for them to find someone that measures up to their idea of what a husband should be.  AND...if we should be so fortuneate that any of our children choose the religious life as their vocation, then you have led them well as the spiritual head of our home. 

I am blessed to have your father as my father-in-law.  He has taught you well.  He is a good father and a wonderful grandfather.  Because he is, I know you will be too. 

On Father's Day, the kids usually serve you breakfast in bed on the Celebrate plate.  Today you got Raisin Bran and coffee at the dining table while everyone slept (because you were up unusually early!)
You didn't mind...
You didn't eat free at the restaraunt we went to for lunch today.  You didn't mind...
You didn't get the Celebrate plate at dinner tonight because we forgot in all the comotion.  You didn't mind.
You didn't get your chocolate cream pie for dessert because the crust is still in saran wrap in the fridge.  You didn't mind.
Instead, you insisted that I take the time....YOUR time...to visit a friend at the hospital where her mom has been a patient all week.  You went grocery shopping with me so we could spend the evening...YOUR evening...making a week's worth of meals for the same friend. 
And during all of this, you still found the time to sing to Amelia to put her to sleep tonight.  The kids love it when you sing "their song" to them, and especially when you add your own last verse about our family!  ("I Want to be Just Like You")

That's what I love about you.  You are amazingly selfless. 

Thanks Heavenly Father for reserving my Tim for me, and for picking out these wonderful little beings to call him Daddy. 

Thanks for being such a wonderful daddy...and most amazing husband right along side!  Happy Father's Day!