When I awoke
I got out of bed yesterday and walked into Mathilda's room to wake her for school and was alarmed to see a pile of hair and a little scissors lying on the floor. My immediate thought was that it was her hair, but upon taking a closer look, I discovered the hair was way too thick and dark to be hers. Joe has been sharing Mathilda's room and when I peered under the covers, I saw him sleeping like an angel...an angel without hair on the front of his head! Oh, the sadness that came over me. I know, that sounds ridiculous, but Joe has such great hair. It was so curly until we cut those curls off when he was about 18 months old and the curls never came back, but his hair is thick and wavy and shaggy. I had just recently decided that we would keep it longer, maybe cut it up above his ears a little, but he could have that beautiful shaggy hair. So, I was, in a sense grieving when I saw that pink scalp glaring at me. It will take months and months to reach this length again, AND, we have a family wedding coming up! Oh well, at least he's a boy. It's not quite as tragic as when Jon cut Mattie's ponytail off the top of her head before Alexis's wedding.
We equipped the clippers with the shortest blade guard and set to work removing the rest of his shaggy mane until it was all in a pile on the floor, and then he quickly ran to the bathroom to wash off the itch. With that quick haircut to fix the hole that he left in his hair, he was transformed. He looked like a different child...and then he dried off, grabbed his cowboy hat and put it on that naked little head and said, "Ca-BOYEE!" Same Joe! :)