Almost Full of Grace x 8
To change the name or not to change the name...
We are so close. Despite the fact that I have not yet blogged one single bit about pregnancy, a new addition, a growing family, a big change nine months in the making, we are mere weeks from encountering chaos again. Not that we don't encounter chaos on a daily basis, but one day just about nine months ago, I found myself sitting down with a big sigh of relief. I actually prayed out loud, "Thank you God for all that I have! Life is so good right now, I don't know how it could be better!" I felt settled, and recognized that it has been an extremely intense and challenging couple of years prior. Two miscarriages, a down-size move, a VERY LONG home sale, embarking on high school, another move, a home remodel, a job promotion, all on top of our everyday life of being a family of nine! Our house reconstruction is not finished, and we are not completely unpacked and organized, but we are home. We are developing a routine again. We are feeling "normal" and calm(er) and happy(er), and even though we didn't necessarily feel un-normal or calm or happy, it is much easier NOW to recognize that it hasn't been "easy" for a while.
So, "how could it get better" I "asked" God? Well, His answer was "how about a new baby?" We were super excited and super freaking out at the same time! I realize that much of the world would think "WHAT?????", but we were thinking, "WHAT??? Oh my awesome...WHAT???" GOD IS GOOD...ALL THE TIME!
We announced our news to my family as late as we every have...when I was five months, I went to Colorado to run the Bolder Boulder with my brother and my cousin...and a baby on board! No one knew there would be four of us until then!
So there you go...I am officially 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant with baby #8 (well, #10 to be precise). The last 38 or so weeks have been beautiful...the same as all the morning sickness, no complications, truly, not much more than a growing belly and occasional puffy ankles. (We did have one little hiccup a few weeks ago that reminded us how lucky we are to have these uneventful pregnancies). We recognize that this is going to be different. The last time I had a newborn without a little one on the other hip was 16 years ago! There will be 5 1/2 years between Millie and this baby. The response of each of the kids has been so great! Millie's is my favorite. Every day: "Mommy, I am so happy you are having a baby." I think I'm going to have good help! :)