"Q" Week

The break from the "letter of the week" that we took was far too long.  I look back at how we started out at the beginning of the school year, and I am embarrassed by my efforts to get going again with Q week.  The long break followed by snow days, follwed by scheduled days off from school has left me having a hard time getting my "poop in a group" if you will.  Eww...I probably shouldn't make that reference at the same time I'm talking about food!  :)

Q week was so full of possibilities!  Who would have thought the letter Q would be an easy letter??  We had a plan and the kids were excited!  Quessaillas, Quaker instant oatmeal (funny snack I know...but they picked it out!!), Quakes (rice cake snacks), Quinoa, Quiznos, Quick bread, Dairy Queen (Queen being the operative word there!), Quiche...oh, the fun week of Q we would have.  I didn't happen!  We tried for two weeks in fact to complete Q week, but only actually had four of those snacks.  The sad part is that we were prepared for all of them, but somehow had the actual time for few of them!!

Sooo...two weeks of Q, and here is what it looked like: 

...plus a trip to Dairy Queen for dilly bars and Arctic slushes.  "Q" for Queen, remember???  I couldn't even manage to snap a picture of that!  Hopefully "R" week will  be executed a little better!  :)