A Chain Gang, A Good Witch and A Mouse

Six went trick-or-treating and the seventh went to a high school football playoff game.  Not the same night, but the choice was theirs to make and much to my surprise, they didn't all choose to collect candy while in disguise. 

The weather was lovely for the last day of October...not quite as warm as last year, but no need for coats which is always a Halloween costume bonus.
Good to get this group shot out of the way now instead of when they're older!  :)  They thought it would be fun to be shackled together, but have you priced costume accessories lately??  We picked up a pair of "school boy" glasses because Jonathan's costume doubled as St. Maximillian Kolbe., but that was the extent of accessories.  I didn't get a picture...grrr!

This is the Good Green Witch of the East.  I'm quite pleased that this costume can certainly stand on it's own without the hat and not necessarily be a witch.  I'm sure it will be recycled as many things. 


And this cutie patootie was Minnie Millie Mouse.  (Couldn't resist that one)  Her poor little ears kept falling down and that big 'ol bow kept pulling her "hat" over her eyes.  Still cute.  It didn't take her long to figure out what was going on.  Pretty soon she just held her bag open, smiled and waved at every door. 

We trick-or-treated in our adopted neighboorhood...seems like we spend a good amount of time there with all the St. T's families that live there.  Thanks Mr. and Mrs. B for letting us tag along all night and for the yummy supper afterward.  Jakob stayed back and helped hand out candy.

And speaking of candy...
 There was plenty of it, although I know there could've been plenty more!  I can't even imagine those kids who come home with pillow cases full!  Remember my love-hate relationship with candy?  Glad to not have too much of it in the house.  They all dumped their candy out, traded, set aside about 30% of it to take to school for the annual candy-tithing and then got to pick out three pieces to eat before bed.  Ha ha ha ha ha!  "Please, have some sugar.  Now, go to sleep!" 
I remember sitting at the counter in the kitchen as a kids when we got home from trick-or-treating and doing the same thing, although, my dad said he had to inspect it and usually ended up with a few pieces of premium chocolate!  We try not to stray far from that tradition here.  :)

This is Joe's pile...I really love that he organizes everything.  Hmmm...I'll have to recruit him for my own personal projects!

Happy Fall...Happy Halloween...Happy All Saints Day and Happy All Souls Day.