My life today

I thought today as I was walking through the house that I need to blog about what is going on in my house right I'm going to give it a try if I can do it in a short period. I'll start with the main topics at hand: birthdays are a big one. Joshua is counting down the days--6 left now (although his count is always a little messed up due to anxiety). Joe's is two days away and he doesn't have a clue although he'll tell you "two" if you ask him anything about his birthday as this is how old he'll be. Somedays he answers "one-two-three". Benjamin's birthday can't come fast enough for him. EVERYDAY is the same question: "Where is my party stuff? When is my birthday going to be here? Do you have whipped cream for my cake? Where is my cake? Did you get things for my friends? Is this for my friends? Are these for my party?" We're not even having a party!!! He knows what he wants and it will be torture for him to wait through two other birthdays. Initially he was excited that his birthday would arrive before the new baby, but now I think he thinks that if the baby comes sooner, so will his birthday.

The pantry is still locked. The medicine box is locked inside the pantry since Ben picked the lock on it. The dog has chewed three holes in the leather chair that we brought upstairs. I've torn up a piece of the carpet to evaluate the subfloor underneath and finally had to staple it back down because we kept tripping on it and stepping on the tack strip. Ben and Mattie's beds are still half-way painted...I'm almost done! I've not "patch-painted" all of the holes I filled in each of the rooms, although our bedroom is done and I did do the red wall and the living room, but you can see the new patches of paint in the sunlight!!

There is a mountain of laundry both folded and not in the living room waiting to be finished and put away. There are peanuts on the floor in the living room and office as a result of Joe's sneaking them out of the open pantry and sprinkling them about. The kitchen is still (as always) in a state of "poor ambience" as Cash would put it due to the clutter of papers waiting to be filed somewhere, homework waiting to be returned to backpacks, dinner half-way prepared, dishes waiting to be washed, washed dishes waiting to be put away, the floor discolored with stains from today probably as a result of something spilled yesterday. The mudroom is perpetually cluttered with stuff that I don't know what to do with! I don't even know where to start in there.

I sometimes wonder what would happen if we had a 33 gallon trash can inside the house to put anything that we didn't know where to put it. I doubt that we'd miss it.