Thanksgiving 2018

This is the first year that one of our immediate family members has been away from Lincoln, so it made our Thanksgiving gathering that much more special to welcome him home for it.  When I was out running errands, I was so excited to look up where everyone was at and to see that they were all home!  At our home!

We were missing Val, and of course my grandparents, but here all the rest of us were, the Stricker family gathered to share another holiday.  Our family grows and grows up and it's fun to capture it.  We took advantage of the weather on Thanksgiving day to get family photos done since the weather threatened to get cold and wet in the approaching hours. 

 Family photo shoots have gotten easier...or maybe my quest has become one of less perfection.  It's fun anyway to capture how it tends to unfold a little.

 She's becoming a little more accustomed to OUR chaos all the time--I THINK!?!

 It really was so great to have everyone under our roof.  It is utter chaos but right now we are in the midst of it still so it doesn't seem to be as stressful to our eyes as it might to outside eyes.
It was a joy to see Josh's friends for breakfast...something that happened regularly prior to graduation and that I hope happens every time he comes home.  

 The leftover chocolate birthday cake didn't last very long once it was remembered!

 Huskers on the big screen.
 Post cooking, post Black Friday ad browsing...

 Instigator or innocent passer-by?
 She loves being hugged!!

 We have much to be thankful for.  Family, health, love, faith.  My heart is always full because of this family, and even more so when we are all together.