"I Eshie Rose" is the response given when she is called anything else other than Eshie or Esther.  
When Esther was born, we considered the possibility of a nickname.  Maybe Etta or Essie, but ultimately neither seemed right and Esther was Esther...often followed by Rose.  One day when asked what her name was she said "I Eshie Rose" and it stuck immediately.  
This small person has so many expressions, but the one that defines her is the pouty, pursed lips and droopy eyes that say "seriously?  What the heck??"
 It's always so much fun to deliver breakfast in bed on a birthday.  It's expected and once in a while for a kid or two, the wake-up isn't real, but Miss Esther had to be woken from her slumber--in OUR bed of course.
Do you see the expression on her face?  That is Esther!  
The flip side of that expression is the wrinkled-nose-smile that makes her dimples deeper.
Oh the possibilities of "my little ponies" with all this birthday money!
She is convinced she is five, and when asked if she is two or how old she is, it is as if she doesn't want to talk about it and she will put her head down and bury it in whatever is closest to avoid the answer. 

 Again with the question of her age and her normal expressions!

 The traditional family birthday picture with Josh via FaceTime and missing Ellie.

 See those adorable dimples?  We love you Eshie Rose.  You tag-along with your big sister and copy her every move.  You love to snuggle, and when you do, you rub your hand over the face of whomever you're snuggling with.  You are a terror and likely spoiled because everyone just gives you what you want at all times.  That won't last forever.  You love your pacifier--"my little pacie" you call it.  Everyone wants to take it away from you now that you're two, but I'm on your side and said you could keep it a little longer.  You had super cute little curls in your hair until we cut them and they haven't come back.  Sorry!  You're curious about going potty in the toilet, but it's not genuine enough to make the effort, so maybe by the time you turn three we all hope!  Your vocabulary is broad, and even when no one can understand your words, you're pretty convincing of what you want.  You love Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  Happy birthday dear Esther!!  You are our favorite Esther Rose!!