Turning Green

I'm not keeping up on my story-telling.  It seems time evades me more quickly than I can document the goings-on in our household!  Living a good distance from the heart of where we seem to do everything has set us in a habit of saying "no" to many things that we all wish to be a part of.  It is probably the main reason we moved here...it's been a great lesson learned.  I'm not saying we're great at it, but we do hesitate a bit more.  This winter we decided to give STAGE a shot.  Several of the kids have wanted to participate over the last several years, but we've known that it is a big committment of both time and energy, so we've always been reluctant.  Somehow, we thought we could manage this time.  We did, and I'm glad, because Mathilda had a fabulous time, and I think it is a great fit for her.  '

Our first experience with STAGE was two years ago when Tim was asked to play a role in a play about Joan of Arc.  He was an advisor to the king.  He too enjoyed it, although since the production was during tax season, we really didn't see him at all until it was over.

 I'm happy to say that both experiences were very good and we look forward to participating again at some point.  The level of talent is amazing...for the most part, the productions are full of students.  The plays are written and directed by a very gifted woman, whom I'm happy to call a friend.  The sets are all built by volunteers, the costumes sewn, the music written and directed and the lighting and sound--all volunteer.  Many, many hours are devoted to each production, from rehearsals, to hair and makeup.  Transforming these little people into green creatures was fun to watch!  I'm not sure it was quite as much fun to transform them back though...it took a bit of transforming. 

Mathilda played the role of a goblin child in a play that was a spin off of George MacDonald's "The Princess and the Gobling".  It was called "The Silver Thread".