
 Welcome to adulthood Jon...where you can do most, stay out later, serve your country, but not yet go to a medical appointment by yourself.  :)  Senior year!  Most of this post is the months leading up to your 18th bday, but I guess that's when all the fun pictures were taken.
 Taking senior pictures has been so much fun for me.  I end up with way more than we need and we have the luxury of taking them as many times as we need to.  Our first shoot started with a black eye, braces and the hot sun.  These were from the last batch...braces off, teeth fixed, no black eye and all of 10 minutes to get a few great shots.

 Football season was not the success you were hoping for, but I think it was still fun even though the win column wasn't as hearty as desired.
 Your senior football poster shoot was fun.  Lots of memories already being made during this last year of highschool for you.

 This post will be largely out of chronological order, but all will lead to reminiscing of your year leading up to 18.
Prom 2019
Football season resulted in two shoulder surgeries which meant you wouldn't be ready to play until the season was days from being over.  No matter, the preseason photo shoot was still fun!

 We are so proud of you, not just for your athletic accomplishments, but for the amazing man you are.

Grandma and Grandpa Stricker made the trek to every game your senior season.  You're pretty lucky to have two sets of Grandparents that follow all of you kids!

Senior Night

Grandma and Grandpa A balanced their football schedule between Pius and Southwest.  The two schools didn't play each other this year which was too bad.

All of you boys have had the opportunity to play with each other.  This year was a little different with Ben being a freshman, but he got to join you for a couple of plays at the end of the season.  

 Happy happy birthday Jon!  You are special today.  We love you to the moon and are so glad you're part of this family!

Most were excited to wish you a happy birthday!

Surgery number 1 of 2.

Homecoming 2019.  

1st day of school 2019.