The Girl is Three!

Oh what fun it is to have a three year old.  Oh what fun it is to be a three year old I'm sure!!  Such a magical age.  

 Willa, oh Willa.  If those eyes don't get ya, then the dimples will, and if they don't, then it'll be the full sentences with words that 5th graders may not use and that are so matter of fact!  "I like salad...I mean I'm not freaking out about it or anything, but I like salad!"  (Said randomly while eating salad, followed by returning to eating salad!)
You are the best and our most favorite Willa in the whole world!  I love the way you can't say your hard "c's" and "g's"..."I'm donna do det that!"  "It's trazy told outside".  I love the way you love your little sister...always trying to teach her things and giggling with her.  I love the way you sit down with your daddy and ask him "So...tell me about your day today."
 Grandma and Grandpa were at our house and got to celebrate with us!  One might think this is your bed that we're all on...YOU think it is for sure!
 You wanted "spa-to-lees" on your cake...sprinkles are what you call what is in your feet when your feet fall asleep.  You had quite a year, welcoming a new baby sister, taking a Spanish class, staying out west with Grandparents, having an injury that required an ER visit while there, cheering on brothers and sisters at countless ball games and swim meets and track meets.  Saying you're a handful wouldn't do justice to describe your everyday!
 You are a child with almost zero fear of anything.  The result is usually a fall that doesn't seem to discourage the same behavior repetitively anyway!  If someone calls you anything but Willa, you will correct them with "It's JUST Willa".  You are a gem Willa Frances Therese!  Happy Happy Birthday! We are so glad you were born!